Sedona Real Estate News & Info From A to Z

Enjoy the Backyard of Your Home More

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Enjoy the Backyard of Your Home MoreSpring is in the air and its time to journey outside your home and enjoy the crisp air, beautiful flowers and sunshine.  Chances are you will find yourself spending more time outside enjoying this new season and catching up with the pruning, trimming and gardening around your home.

You may have recently bought a home and have plans to create a playground in your backyard or outdoor kitchen, too.

Whatever your reason for stepping outside, you’ll probably notice some areas you can improve around your home, before summer comes and you begin a season of entertaining outdoors.  As you look over your backyard or patio, take the time to notice the feelings you have in that space.

Is the yard of your home relaxing and inviting?

Your week is filled with the hustle-bustle of life, with time constraints, and demands placed upon you by others, shouldn’t your evenings and weekends be a time of enjoyment and reflection?

If you agree that your home and its exterior space should be an oasis of sorts, start small and consider adding a fountain or fire pit to your landscaping to make your yard more retreat-like.  Perhaps a backyard swing or an outdoor kitchen is more to your liking.  Gather your dreams in online ideabooks on websites like Houzz or Zillow digs and plan out the next project for your home.  Just thinking about it will make you smile.

Vacationing Away From Your Home

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Vacationing Away From Your Home

Warmer weather and cloud-free skies may have you dreaming of leaving your home for a vacation.

No matter where you choose to journey for your break away trip, take the time to make preparations to your home before leaving.

A few smart steps toward protecting your home while you are way, could mean the world to you when you return.


Tips For Securing Your Home


  • Appoint a look-out.  Ask a good friend or “watch-worthy” neighbor to keep an eye on your place while you’re away.
  • Wait until after you return from vacation to post your photos to Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.  Otherwise you are alerting “friends” and others that may be less than friendly of your absence.
  • Think about ways to keep your home from looking empty while you are vacationing.  From house sitters and timers to placing holds on your mail and newspaper delivery, there is plenty you can do to make your home seem less vacant. 
  • Secure your garage door and any pet entrances with locks before leaving town as it can provide easier access to your home.
  • Timed lights, a well-kept home, and motion detectors can be a deterrent to thieves as well.
  • And although pets can be a great deterrent to those who may harm your home, when you leave town, you must make arrangements for their boarding and care.


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